We Can Really Push On Next Season Says Moors' Ainsley

Jason Ainsley is looking to push on from Spennymoor Town’s first campaign in the National League North and be an even bigger threat in the coming season.

The former midfielder believes that the Vanarama National League North will be tougher than ever next term - and wants his side to compete in it.

The Moors man reckons it looks set to be a much harder division for teams to achieve their ambitions and goals.

He wants to make sure that his side can build on the eighth placed finish in the league last season and be up there with the other teams wanting promotion

“It is going to be more tougher than it ever has been, and it is the league to be in next season.” Ainsley told Moors TV.

“We are under no illusion it will be another tough year, but one we are going to compete in and finish at the right end of the table.

“We want to be right in the mix. We really want to build on what we have done this year and take it forward into next season.”

The former Gateshead man has confidence in his side and has always thought of the club as a ‘big fish’.

“We have always been a big fish, especially in the north east,” he said.

“Now we are competing with some fantastic clubs, with us being one of them.

“We are one of the best part-time clubs in the country and that does attract players.”

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Vanarama National League North
Vanarama National League South
National League Cup Group A